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As fascination with this mystical island mounts, Iceland’s call can be heard amongst the tribe. They are seeking out a new wave, a wave that comes with different experiences, different expectations and different rules. What they seek isn’t easily found, but when they find it, it’s felt right to the core. These frozen rumbles are chilling the hairs on the back of surfers necks across the globe. Chris Burkard is one surfer that has felt the call and has become captivated by this arcane landscape, where the true spirit of isolation can be experienced, where no man has surfed before and the land lacks the human touch all too familiar.
Chris’s work is a reflection of someone who is truly experiencing his surrounds, his love of nature and the search for original experiences resonates deeply out of his photos – the true representation of an artist, not just a photographer. This trip was no exception to that rule, on a quest to explore Iceland’s south-east coastline, Chris returned on a third trip to intentionally search for waves that were a little slower, in contrast to the western part of the island, where he had been before, and its heavy ocean.
“An island of contrast; jagged mountains of ice tower out from the ocean, while great waterfalls of glacier run-off battle through the land to reach the frozen swell.”

— Here’s where the true spirit of isolation can be experienced.
As fascination with this mystical island mounts, Iceland’s call can be heard amongst the tribe. They are seeking out a new wave, a wave that comes with different experiences, different expectations and different rules. What they seek isn’t easily found, but when they find it, it’s felt right to the core. These frozen rumbles are chilling the hairs on the back of surfers necks across the globe. Chris Burkard is one surfer that has felt the call and has become captivated by this arcane landscape, where the true spirit of isolation can be experienced, where no man has surfed before and the land lacks the human touch all too familiar.
Chris’s work is a reflection of someone who is truly experiencing his surrounds, his love of nature and the search for original experiences resonates deeply out of his photos – the true representation of an artist, not just a photographer. This trip was no exception to that rule, on a quest to explore Iceland’s south-east coastline, Chris returned on a third trip to intentionally search for waves that were a little slower, in contrast to the western part of the island, where he had been before, and its heavy ocean.
This is a demonstration blog post. You can read the original one at El Dorado Experience
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21 de septiembre de 2017
Congratulations on this new collection of products! It’s great to see how far you’ve come. Quick question, will you be doing any popup shops, or local events soon? There’s some really good ones coming up over the Winter. Anyway, congrats again :)
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